Sunday 12 May 2024

Wool Competition: 2024 Innovation in Wool Awards now open to applications

The 2024 Innovation in Wool Awards, boasting a prize pool of £30,000, are now accepting applications.

2024 Innovtion in Wool Awards celebrate the versatility and potential of wool while contributing to the revitalization of the British wool industry.
Image from the Campaign for Wool

The deadline for submissions is July 21st, 2024, with the winners set to be announced on September 17th, 2024.

This award welcomes entries from individuals and organizations showcasing wool in groundbreaking and imaginative ways. Whether in apparel, interior design, construction, insulation, agriculture, horticulture, medicine, aquaculture, or other scientific and innovative industrial applications, if your project utilizes wool in a novel manner, we want to hear from you.

Spearheaded by The Woolmen's Company Charitable Incorporated Organisation, The Company of The Merchants of the Staple of England Charitable Trust, and The Worshipful Company of Clothiers (Worcester), this annual accolade is supported by the Campaign for Wool

It was established in response to the historical decline of the UK wool industry. However, with recent positive indicators signaling a resurgence in the sector, the Campaign for Wool is collaborating with these esteemed organizations to foster innovation and explore new avenues for wool utilization that meet the demands of the 21st century.

Entrants from around the globe are encouraged to apply, but they must demonstrate a commitment to the following criteria, with an emphasis on British involvement:

* Contributing value to British wool farming

* Incorporating British wool fiber

* Utilizing British manufacturing processes

* Outlining potential wool volume projections for the first year and beyond

Ensuring compliance with patents, copyrights, and intellectual property rights through due diligence conducted by both applicants and award organizers.

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